11 thoughts on “Kansas Sunset

  1. shoreacres

    My compliments to your aunt! That is a beautiful sky, and a beauiful capture of it. The reflection adds so much. It made me happy just to look at it.

    You might be interested in the last comment on my blog right now, and my answer. If I have it figured right, the Ingalls family members buried in the Bazaar cemetery are related to Laura Ingalls Wilder. I probably wouldn’t have pursued it, but today is the anniversary of her death in 1957, so I went poking around. Gosh, the rabbit trails are everywhere!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Debra Farmer Post author

      Thanks, I will tell her. I spent the day with her today, I cherish our time together. My aunt does have a beautiful view of sunsets!! I always enjoy her photos. She had taken one just a few minutes before this one and it was amazing how it had changed.
      The comments area so interesting on the Laura Ingalls. I just realized that I went to school with a boy with the last name of Ingalls. I just wonder if they are related!!! I’d bet money……



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