Turned Into A Quick Walk

The weather has been absolutely beautiful in Kansas.  A perfect day for a walk in the sandy area just a few miles west of home.  Such a perfect place to walk, very isolated and so peaceful.



Perfect weather for everything to be out.  When I saw this track,  I thought “this is no bicycle track”  I picked up Wylie and we loaded up.  We’re out of here……………SNAKE

10 thoughts on “Turned Into A Quick Walk

  1. larryzb

    Wow that is beautiful. The first image is captivating in a way. My wife and I are considering retiring to north Texas, possibly to Lubbock. If so, we will be within reasonable driving distance to Kansas.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Debra Farmer Post author

      I’ve never been to Lubbock. Just googled it, I didn’t realize it was that big of a city. It’s in a great part of Texas. Family there?
      Most people think of Kansas as a fly over state. I’ve lived here all my life and I love it. Hope you get to experience Kansas sometime!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. larryzb

        Thanks for your reply. No family in Lubbock, but we have been doing research online about climate/weather, cost of living, etc. and this looks to be a good spot to retire to. We can buy a good home for a reasonable amount of money there from the real estate listings online. Of course, we will travel there to check it out before we commit. But, it has appeal when compared to all the ongoing social problems (including crime) here in the San Francisco area. Sorry to get off topic.

        If we do end up there in a couple of years, we will try to get to Kansas.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. shoreacres

    What beautiful blue skies! And I love the formations in the second photo. They look like they’re in the process of forming the hoodoos you see farther west. Love the color of the soil, too. And how nice that it allows you to see who else has been out cruising the neighborhood! I don’t know if it’s new, but I’ve heard hunters around here talking about getting rattlesnake vaccinations for their hunting dogs. It’s been snake city since the flood, especially around the marshes and the flooded timber.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Debra Farmer Post author

      Rattlesnake vaccinations, I didn’t know there was a preventive vaccine for snakes. That is a fear I have with Wylie, when we are in tall grasses I have him in a pouch.
      I can’t imagine all the snakes (and other varmints) that were displaced by the high waters. Watch where you step!

      Liked by 1 person


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