Monthly Archives: July 2017

New Flock

I started my flock all over again this spring, with 6 Red and 2 Ameraucana chicks.  The Reds were sexed so I knew they would all be hens.  The Ameraucan were straight run.  I picked out my Ameraucanas with the hopes that they would be hens and give us colorful light blue Easter eggs.  Of course my girls have names…..the 2 Ameraucana are Lucille and Ethel.

Meet Ricky, formerly known as Lucille

And Fred, but sometimes I still call him Ethel

Ricky and Fred with Reba and Midge

I enjoy sitting out surrounded by the zinnias watching the chickens (hard to see them thru all the honeysuckle).

Last year when I clean up the hollyhock bed, I scattered the seeds along the fence by the hen house.

We are still waiting for our first harvest of eggs.  Hurry up girls, we are ready for Farmer fresh eggs!