Monthly Archives: February 2018

Sign of Spring

A sign of Spring is “chick days” at your local farm store. We are increasing our flock due to the losses from a hawk. Our plan was to pick up 4 or 5, but I left my “list” at home.

This is what’s in our box. Six ISA pullets. They are a hybrid from a complex series of crosses including but not limited to Red and White Rhode Island Reds. Wonderful layers! Beautiful large brown eggs. Also included in the box are two Golden Comets, a cross between Rhode Island Red and White Leghorns. They don’t have names yet, I can’t tell who is who. They are SO cute!

We moved the nursery this year. They are living in the feed room on the chicken house. This will make it easier to keep watch over them and Mr. Farmer won’t have to babysit them in his shop.

Starting them off right with organic starter/grower.  I used this non medicated feed last year and had the best luck with it.

The temperature in my feed room is a constant 60, but for a few weeks they will be under a heat lamp. They grow so fast. In only 18 weeks they will be laying eggs!!  I like mine – over easy.